Perseid Shooting Stars
The superstition is centuries old, its origin is not completely clear. Worldwide, people see shooting stars as lucky charms. In August, it will rain thousands of heavenly light sparks from the sky. Shooting stars in the sky can be seen from all directions this month. If you still want to see a big wish fulfilled, in the middle of August you should look into the night sky.
Appearance and Visibility of the Perseids
In the constellation Perseus the radiant of the perseids is located. The radiant equals the apparent origin of the shooting stars. Every year around the middle of August, the earth crosses the stream of the Perseids, which leads to the celestial spectacle. The event is caused by a meteor shower that originates from the fragments of comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle in Perseus. The shooting stars reach a speed of 60 kilometers per second, which is equivalent to 216,000 km/h. A single burning star could circle the globe five times in sixty minutes. The maximum of shooting stars in 2020 will be reached in the night from 12 to 13 August, so that up to 100 shooting stars can be seen per hour, depending on the weather. But even in the previous nights, it is worth taking a look into the sky. The first shooting stars are expected on August 9.